I don't know what exactly I'm going to write about in this entry...
But my hand is trying to tell me that 'they' want to write something...
It is a little bit hard to think what to write when your hand aren't in sync with your thought...
All right then,
I'll write a bit about a WEEK with TONS of work...
It was a LEADERSHIP CAMP with the elementary school STUDENTS...
Those kids are amazing...
They were full of energy from day to another day...
It was a happy week...
Yet I felt very tired...
Only slept after 4 a.m in the morning...
Looking after the kids...
Because they are KIDS they need to be looked after...
Just gonna stand there
And watch they cry
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it sounds
Just gonna stand there
And hear they cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way they cry
I love the way they cry
I love the way they cry
Their teachers...
One of them was sitting and watching with another One...
Another one was with us...
Doing THIS and THAT with HIS students...
Along with him...
Comes another one with FEROCIOUS aura...
Commanding those PITY KIDS...
do THIS and do THAT...
Just gonna stand there
And watch they cry
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it sounds
Just gonna stand there
And hear they cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way they cry
I love the way they cry
I love the way they cry
They were normal human before...
But for the KIDS' SAKE...
They changed to different level of human...
A human with a steel heart...
A human with a iron head...
But out of those...
They still know how to be a HUMAN not ANIMAL...
Just gonna stand there
And watch they cry
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it sounds
Just gonna stand there
And hear they cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way they cry
I love the way they cry
I love the way they cry